
帝国日本の人権抑圧、侵掠戦争、植民地支配を記憶し、再現を許さないために歴史否認ネット右翼のデマを潰す。姉妹ブログ「Ob-La-Di Облако 文庫」 https://obladioblako.hatenablog.com/







 ビルマのミッチーナーから避難中に捕虜となった「慰安婦」とその抱え主夫妻に対する米軍心理戦班の尋問報告書第49号や、その後の抱え主夫妻に対する詳細尋問に基づく東南アジア翻訳·尋問センター 尋問速報 第2号では慰安所の料金システムや娘の売上額と手取り額などが円の単位で叙述されている。

 The conditions under which they transacted business were regulated by the Army, and in congested areas regulations were strictly enforced. The Army found it necessary in congested areas to install a system of prices, priorities, and schedules for the various units operating in a particular area. According to interrogations the average system was as follows.

1. Soldiers 10 AM to 5 PM 1.50 yen 20 to 30 minutes

2. NCOs 5 PM to 9 PM 3.00 yen 30 to 40 minutes

3. Officers 9 PM to 12 PM 5.00 yen 30 to 40 minutes

 These were average prices in Central Burma. Officers were allowed to stay overnight for twenty yen. In Myitkyina Col. Maruyama slashed the prices to almost one-half of the average price.

料 金 体 系









 The “house master” received fifty to sixty per cent of the girls’ gross earnings depending on how much of a dept each girl had incurred when she signed her contract. This meant that in an average month a girl would gross about fifteen hundred yen. She turned over seven hundred and fifty to the “master”. Many “masters” made life very difficult for the girls by charging them high price for food and other articles.





 In prisoner of war’s house the maximum gross takings of a girl were around 1500 yen per month, minimum around 300 yen per month, or by rule of the house, the girl had to pay to the brothel owner a minimum of 150 yen per month.






Capt. Chan, Sgts. Howard Furumoto, Grant Hirabayashi, and Robert Honda, with Comfort Girls. Myitkyina, Burma, August 1944.


そのウォンロイ·チャン Won-loy Chan の回想記 “BURMA  The Untold Story” 『ビルマ戦秘話』のなかに、予備尋問中、慰安所の女将が帯の下に仕舞った娘たちの稼いだ金を彼らに見せる場面が出てくる。果たしてそれは日本円の札束だったろうか。

The girls seemed to relax a bit, gave us a few tentative smiles, and directed more questions to Mama-san. 娘たちの緊張はちょっと緩んだらしく、微笑んで見せてくれるのも二三人いて、ママサンにさらにいくつも質問を向けた。She turned back to us. ママサンは私たちの方へ向き直ると、She said that she was responsible for the girls. 娘たちに責任を負っているのだと言った。She hesitated as if at a loss for words and squirmed a bit. 言葉が見つからないように言いよどみ、ちょっともじもじした。Both Grant and I noticed that her obi, the traditional sash worn by all Japanese women, seemed a bit too full of her very small figure. グラントも私もママサンのオビ、日本の女が誰でも身に着ける飾り帯が、とても小さな体の割に膨らみ過ぎていることに気が付いた。It looked as if she were pregnant, which in view of her age didn't seem possible. ほとんどまるで妊娠しているみたいだったが、それは年齢からして有り得ないことと思われた。I whispered a few words to Grant. 私が数語を囁きかけると、He scuffed his feet a few times and then, as if he were talking to his mother or his aunt asked her if by any chance she might be hiding something. グラントは数歩、後ずさり、母親か叔母にでも話しかけるように、もしかして何かを隠してはいないかと、ママサンに尋ねた。She smiled at Grant's obvious discomfort. ママサンはグラントの明らかな当惑を見て微笑んだ。
  Nodding her head, she slowly began to unwind the voluminous obi and explaned that being responsible for the girls also meant responsible for their earnings. こっくり頷きながらママサンはゆっくりと部厚いオビをほどき始め、娘たちに責任を負うとは娘たちの稼ぎに責任を負うということでもあるのだと説明した。As members of the Women's Volunteer Corps they had been paid and had also received tips. 女子挺身隊員として娘たちは支払いを受けてきたし、チップも受け取ってきた。When the Japanese fled Myitkyina, Mama-san had collected all the girls' money and kept it safe on her person. 日本軍がミイトキイナから逃げたとき、ママさんは娘たちみんなのお金を集めて肌身離さず保管してきたのだった。Grant was relieved and told the old lady "No problem." グラントは安心して年配の婦人に「大丈夫です」と言った。If money was all she had in the obi, both she and the girls would be able to keep what they had earned. オビを膨らませているものがすべてお金ならば、ママサンも娘たちも稼いだものを確保できるだろう。She removed the obi and took from it neatly wrapped bundles of paper currency that she placed on the ground in front of us. ママさんはオビを解くとその中からきちんと包んだ紙の通貨の束を取り出し、私たちの目の前の地面に並べた。The girls, whose knowledge of japanese was not up to the task of undedstanding the exchange between Mama-san and Grant, watched anxciously. 日本語の知識がグラントとママサンの間の遣り取りを理解できる程度には及ばない娘たちは、不安そうに見守っていた。
  Grant and I each picked up a bundle of the money. グラントと私はそれぞれお金を一束、手に取った。The bills were each for ten rupees and still warm─either from Mama-san's body heat or from hot off the press─they are Japanese occupation scrip. 札は一枚一枚が十ルピー相当で、ママサンの体温のせいか圧力で発熱したためか、まだ暖かかった。それは日本軍の占領地手票だった。Something like our own scrip used in Europe and Asia, it was a paper promise by the Japanese government to pay by some unspecified date the amount of ten Burmese rupees. 我が軍がヨーロッパやアジアで使っていた手票と似た様なもので、いつとも明記されていないある日に同額のビルマ十ルピー札で支払うという日本政府による紙約束だった。With the loss of northern Burma and what appeared to be the total defeat of the Imperial forces, the scrip was undoutedly worthless. 北ビルマを失い、帝国陸海軍が全面的に撃ち破られたと見える状況では、その手票は疑いなく使い途がなかった。Grant and I slowly placed the bandles back on the ground in front of Mmasan. グラントと私は札束をママサンの前の地面に戻した。Grant looked at me and I nodded my agreement of what I knew he was thinking. グラントが私を見たので、彼が何を考えているか分かっていた私は頷いてそれに同意した。He looked at the girls, shrugged, and then as gently as he could explained to the old lady that what she had was money printed by the Japanese and now that the Japanese had been defeated, the money was worthless, had no value. グラントは娘たちを見て、肩をすくめ、それからできるだけ穏やかに年上の婦人に説明した。あなたが持っているのは日本軍が刷ったお金で、日本軍が負けたからにはそのお金は使い途がなく、無価値だということを。
  Mama-san looked at us in total disbelievf. ママサンは全く信じられないという目で私たちを見て、Her mouth opened but no sound came out. 口を開いたが言葉がでなかった。She pointed to the money on the ground, looksd at us questioningly, and shook her head back and forth. 地面のお金を指差して問いかけるように私たちを見て、頭を前後に振った。Slowly she stooped over and piccked up the bundles of paper money. 紙のお金の束の上に屈み込んで拾った。Very carefully she replaced them in the obi and very slowly rewound it around her waist. とてもゆっくりと札束をオビに仕舞うと、とてもゆっくりとそのオビを腰に巻きつけた。For some reason it didn't look as full as it had a few minutes before. どういう分けかオビは二三分前ほど膨らんで見えなかった。Atter talking with me, Grant turned back to the Mama-san and asked her for one or two of the bandles. 私と話をした後、グラントはママサンに札束を一つか二つくれないかと聞き、He explained we could exchange for the scrip for cigerets, candy, and food with American and Chinese souvenir hunters. 土産好きなアメリカ兵や中国兵のところに手票を持って行って煙草やキャンディや食品と交換できるだろうと説明した。Mama-san thought this proposition over for a few minutes. ママサンは二三分間この申し出について考え込んでいたが、Then she slowly unwound the obi again, carefully removed two bundles of the scrip and gave them to Grant. やがて再びゆっくりとオビをほどき、大切そうに二束の手票を取り出してグラントとに渡した。There was a collective sigh of relief from the girls. 娘たちから集団的な安堵の吐息が漏れた。I'm certain they thought this exchange was the American version of the Oriental custom of "squeeze" and that the rest of their hard-earned !money was now safe. きっとこう考えたに違いない。この交換は「袖の下」という東洋の習わしのアメリカ版であって、苦労して稼いだお金は大丈夫になったと。Mama-san explained the whole caper to her girls. ママサンが緊急事態の一部始終を説明すると、Some laughed, some cried, and when I thought of what these girls had endured to earn this worthless scrip I was heartsick. 笑いだす娘もいれば泣きだす娘もいたが、この使い途のない手票を稼ぐためにこの娘たちが堪えてきたことを思うと私は胸が潰れそうだった。

